How else do you record a Harmonica?

How else do you record a Harmonica?

Thursday 2 April 2015

Sam and Bazza's awesome adventure in Teddington

After a day of strumming by the riverside, serenading waitresses in a French café for free drinks and brownies, and helping the blues brother start his career as the next auteur, I’m surrounded by several teens wearing baseball caps and playing some distorted stuff out of their smart phones, as I walk past the local gym. All of a sudden I’m 13 again, and thinking of aversion tactics to counter the school bullies. ‘Oh lawd’, I think, ‘I knew today was too good to be true, I’m gonna get the mickey taken out of me, and then some’. “Hey man”, the most aggressive looking one says, “do you like muddy waters?” I’m struck dumb. I listen. That’s not distorted crap coming from the Iphone, its muddy waters I can’t be satisfied. I’m not back with the bullies, I’m among friends and allies. Now smiling I reply, ‘Brother I don’t just love muddy waters, I playmuddy waters’. “Go on then mate.” I put down my guitar, pull out the trusty 10 hole diatonic, and reel off Manish boyI needs to be loved, and Got my Mojo working. “brav that is sick”. I can’t remember exactly what Montaigne said about perception, but I remember the morals behind his argument. A high five later, and then I’m walking off into the distance. When you’re a ‘musicianeer’, everything is la vie en rose.

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